Thursday Report

Things are going well at the hospital today. When I left, Peter was making a big dent in a sub sandwich that was roughly the same size as his torso. It’s really good to see him eat. He continues to be in good spirits and the outward effects of the chemo have been mild so far. It’s hard to believe that it was two weeks ago tonight that they checked into the hospital.

27 Replies to “Thursday Report”

  1. Hi Eigners,
    So glad to hear how well everything is going down there!!! I remember 2 weeks ago when Jen gave us the news; it was overwhelming and extremely emotional!! He’s going to pull through this like a trooper – how else could it go??? I stopped at Jen’s on my lunch break today – it was diaper change time after lunch. Kate cried when she saw me (she doesnt’ know me yet), but Ellie was showing off climbing up the slide and jumping off (it was just the little one down in the play room). She shared that Peter was in the ‘hopidoe’ but that Mommy and Daddy were at the ‘hockey wink’. She sure is a dolly! You all continue to be in our hearts and constantly on our minds.

    Love, The Allords

  2. We are so glad to hear you had such a good day !! Bet that sub sandwich is delicious. I love them too.
    You are getting soooo many emails it must take you all night to read them all. I noticed even our neighbor in Omaha wrote to you ( under the picture of you and your mom ) Everyone cares about you so much and wants you to get better.
    You remember Nick, he was at hockey camp the last couple summers, he had his hockey tryouts and made the Bantam AA team and is so happy. Also tomorrow his Mom is going to have a baby so he will be a big brother too. He is really excited about that.
    Well, honey hope you have a good night and a REALLY good day again tomorrow. Sleep well while God and the Angels watch over you.
    Love to you and your mom and dad and sisters too.
    Uncle Chuck and Aunt Rose

  3. Way to go Peter…glad to hear that you are eating well. You will need to keep doing that to stay strong and fight the bad guys. Don’t forget to drink lots too. Have a good night and sleep well.

    Thanks Uncle Matt for keeping us up to date.

    Ty and Erika…keep the faith, we are all praying for you and your family.


  4. We are so thrilled to read about your great progress Peter! As so many of your friends and family are saying, the power of a positive and winning attitude and the support and prayer and love of those around you will be a most powerful dose of medicine in helping you win your fight. We are so happy to hear the early chemo treatments are going well-we will keep watching your progress daily!

    Count us amongst the many keeping your whole family in our prayers and sending hope and strength your way constantly. Keep your positive feelings and optimism and will to fight constantly in your grip-and you WILL BEAT THIS!

    God Bless

    Corey, Tonia, Johanna and Georgia Jorgenson

  5. Hello Ty and Ericka

    Greg and I are friends of your Mom’s Barb. She is a great woman. We have 4 kids, one has special needs. Although a different fight then yours we know the emotional battle is tough with our children having any issues. We just want you to know your family is in our prayers and Peter seems like a fighter, he will win. We send you all strength and Godly love. I have a Godchild who lived with me about 4 years ago and she fought Neuroblastoma and won. She is a healthy 8 year old today, I say this to keep your spirits fighting and winning the battle.

    Mikki and Greg Johnson and family

  6. Pete,
    I have never met you but I went to school with your mommy and uncle Troy. Your Grandma Mary was my track coach. I love your haircut. In fact, I think your Uncle Troy wore that style back in the late 80’s, so you are bringing it back in style!

    You are such a lucky little man because when you win this fight, you know how many people love you. It sounds like that might be in the millions! I have two little boys and I know if one of them was in your situation, I would be wishing it was me instead. I know your mommy and daddy feel the same way.

    I check your page everyday for Uncle Matt’s updates. I know the short entries from Uncle Matt are the best, because that means the day was uneventful, and that is good!

    I will keep checking on you and keep up the good fight!

    Darcy, Matt, Charlie and Willie Franklin

  7. Hi Pete,

    We are so happy to hear you are eating so well keep up the good work with the food it will make you so strong. You are in our prayers daily we all know you can make it through this because you are such a brave little guy !


    Love , The Smith Family
    Dean,Denise,Blake,Bren & Tiffany

  8. Nice to hear you had a good day. I am a big sub guy myself. Keep up the hard work and we will see all you soon.

  9. Yeah Peter … it’s always great to hear good news, but better than good news is the fact that you really feel good right now.

    Keep smiling and having fun – it makes the adults feel better. 🙂

    Great new Do … I can’t wait to see a picture of your followers … bet they aren’t as cute as you!

    We still like the Vikings … you owe us one more sip!

    Love from Milw – Auntie G’s Mom and Dad

  10. Hi Peter and everyone,
    We’re glad that your hungery Pete. Sub sandwiches help you grow strong like your dad. You are special and we are so happy that you are a tough guy. Love ya…….
    Uncle Ed and Aunt roz Eigner

  11. Hello Eigners,

    We were just informed of your family news today and want to tell you that we have just read all of the website news posted by Uncle Matt and all. We KNOW that Peter will Win this Fight! Peter, it sounds like you had a yummy Sub sandwich today. Good for you! We will pray very hard for you daily and nightly that you will be strong and healthy!
    Please say hello to Mommy and Daddy and Gramma and Grandpa Hanson for us. Peter, we remember seeing you running around the ice arena in Cloquet with your litte sister Ellie this past winter. You are quite a strong boy! You will be in our thoughts and prayers and we will continue to read about your progress! Keep up the good work! God bless you always,

    Pat and Sandy Westrum

  12. Hi again… dad and ole gringo signed 200 tickets for an anonymous donor tonight at Shep’s. Steve Shepherd thanks you for supporting Pete. Get well soon!! I will pray for you every night so you will get better!!

    Morgan Schoonover

  13. Hi Peter, you don’t know me. Just want your parents and you to know that I am praying for you all. Looks like we have a future pro athlete in our midst….

    Take care everyone!

    Lynn (Nielsen) & Steven Dahlin, Sonia (3) & Hanna (2).
    Minnetonka, MN

  14. Peter, I’ve seen your Dad’s haircut, Uncle Trent’s haircut and Uncle Troy’s – they all look pretty handsome with their buzz cut but you are still the most handsome.
    Baron sends his love and he has a kiss for you so I will deliver it tomorrow. Would you like it with the dog hair or not??
    I love you and will see you for lunch. Maybe you can use some of your quarters to buy me lunch!!!
    Love and prayers Gramma Mary

  15. hey pete! hows it going? hopefully good! well i have been reading that u have started 2 eat better! thats good! well hang in there pete! i know u can make it throu this! i am thinking and praying for u everyday!

    love you tons and more,
    molly peltoma #7

  16. I’m glad to hear Peter is in good spirits. I belive a positive attitude is the best thing to have and makes it easier to get through this tough time. Our whole office thinks about you often and checks your website to check on your progress. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

    Arlene Bush

  17. Ty and Erika,
    I am very sorry you have to experience cancer through a child. It’s tough enough to deal with this disease in adults. I do know, however, there is life after cancer. I’m writing to ask you to stay in “today” with Pete’s cancer. There is absolutely no reason to try to forecast the future. I learned through my own cancer experience that I am just one person. I am not a research group. I was frightened at first and in some shock. Once I accepted the facts, I dug into the disease to learn as much as I could. My understanding of my cancer helped me through surgery, treatments and side effects. I believe that God has a purpose for each of us. Leave the results in His hands and keep your hope strong as none of us knows what He has in store for us until we walk through each experience in life. I will keep you in prayer for strength and faith to let God guide you. It’s so important that you are strong for Pete. I can only imagine what it does to you to see him hooked up to IV’s. Trust God to keep Pete save and not give him anymore than he can handle. God willing, Pete will use this experience to help others some day. Keep talking …it helps to vent your feelings.
    In friendship and concern,
    Bonnie Franke

  18. Hey, Pete, thanks for another one of those real life lessons.

    It seems like life is more about perception and deception these days than substance, charisma, character and class. Pete is a living example @ age four that he possesses every skill to be a success story in life without having one ACT or SAT score. Peter has yet to network and form his inner circle of friends in an era where who you know is more important than who you are. He has yet to take a test to pass in a class.

    Yet, Pete shows us more reasons to hire him in the future than a high
    percentage of those we meet. His attitude and demeanor are absolutely precious.

    Don’t get me wrong. If you are fortunate to combine the book
    learning with all those intangibles, you will be a highly predictable
    success story and name your ticket in life, so excel in class, too.

    This explains the reasons why, when teaching, I was eager to give good grades to those who possess Peter’s intangibles, even if they fell a
    little short in the written tests. This is why I get excited when I meet
    an athlete who has the same qualities. Knowing the person and
    their foundation, is far more important than seeing the person perform.

    Thanks, Peter, for reinforcing the beliefs I’ve always had when
    teaching school and owning our hockey camp.

    Attitudes like yours give people with a passion and a dream the
    determination to do whatever it takes it make those dreams come true.
    This is the reason you will defeat the pain in your body. I can’t help
    but believe in people with your intangibles.

    It’s so refreshing to me see a young man like you, Pete. I can see you
    being excited about all the little things whether in a locker room, on ice
    or in a hospital room. Don’t every change. Your attitude is
    infectious and you are precious!

    When we see you, it causes all of us to look at ourselves. We’ve all had to reach out and use our “inner strength” to overcome things that happen to us. Your battle to beat the pain inside is a lesson in hope for all to learn.

    How many four (4) year olds have the unique ability to teach all of us a life lesson?

  19. Hi Peter! You’ve never met me but I’ve met your aunt Michelle and your cousin Macy. My mom went to school with your mom. I’m 4 years old too and love baseball like you do. We should play sometime! I think you’re really strong and brave and my family and I are praying for you and yours.

    The Eigners and Hansons have always been winners. You show ’em!

    (and mom, Lisa (Nielsen) Koeppen)

  20. Hey, Pete

    I had fun signing your name last night with Eddie. The $1,000 donor, the family who wanted 200 tickets, had us sign your name to all of them in the hope that you win the Lemieux jersey. They are prepared to offer another $500.00 to any person who wins the jersey if you don’t win, just so they can give it to you.

    This is just one more example of your infectious personality and attitude. -ole gringo-

  21. Hi Pete,

    You’ve never met me, Dave with the For A Child’s Sake Tourney told me about you. My wife and I just returned from Chicago where we adopted a newborn baby. We feel very blessed, and we want to remember not to take health for granted. Even the best and healthiest looking kids (like yourself, from the pictures I just looked at) can be ill. I pray you’ll be just fine and that this will be just a little set back you’ll remember forever.


  22. Peter-
    You are amazing. Three days worth of a potent combination of cancer killing medications just traveled through your body…. and you kept a smile on your face, laughter in your heart…. and even managed to eat a “torso sized” sub sandwich! Absolutely amazing, Peter. You have taken on this battle with full determination and with the energy to win. Kudos to you, Pete-man, for showing us all how to be brave!

    I was just thinking last night about the word “hero.” Some of you thirty sometihngs out there who grew up in the 80’s may remember “sign-in” books. Each page contained a different heading, such as “favorite cookie”, “favorite color”, favorite song”, “person you admire”, etc. The object was to pass the book around to all your friends, have them sign in by listing their “favorite” under the appropriate category and then, of course, signing their name. Well, the majority of the categories were pretty easy, favorite color: GREEN; favorite cookie: WHITE CHOCOLATE MACADAMIA NUT. Whenever I got to “the person you admire most” page, I was finding myself searching for that perfect person. Who stood out in my mind as somebody admirable? What kind of person was I supposed to admire? What qualities did an admirable person possess? Well, in my real young days, I remember writing Vanna White (yeah, Vanna White… the letter turning, pageant gown wearing chic from Wheel of Fortune!) Why did I admire her?? I dunno…. perhaps I thought she was pretty or something! As I “aged”, my heros become friends, teachers, parents, even Oprah Winfrey!…. Well, here I am, 30 years old, and I think I’ve finally answered the question of who I admire most. I know this precious, bright eyed, courageous little boy who has only been around for 4 years yet he has made a life long impression on me. I met him at the ripe old age of 16 months – he amzed me then with the intensity of his love and the depth of his wisdom. He had no fears, he was smart beyond his 16 months and he captured my heart in a mere second. As he grew, he continued to amaze me as he taught me how to love unconditionally, how to see the sunny side of life and how to have fun even when the day was less than bright. He amazes me with his ability to love his sisters at all times – he knows when to back off and let Kate or Ellie do their own thing … I rarely witness harshness between the three of them, he shares better than most kids his age, he takes every obstacle in life like a true champion. I think I have finally found my hero… somebody that I admire with great intensity and with love in my heart. The next time a “sign in” book comes my way, I will open up to the page titled, “person you admire most” and with pride in my heart, I will write in big, bold letters: PETER JOHN EIGNER.

    Peter, you are my hero. I admire you for the strength you have shown in dealing with the challenge you’ve been dealt. I honestly don’t think that I would be nearly as strong as you in the same situation. I love you, Peter John Eigner. You are truly amazing….

    Ty & Erika-
    You ought to be awfully proud of that boy of yours! He’s a champion…. and he has truly shown me a new side of life. Thanks for trusting me to care for your 3 beautiful children for the last 3+ years. Continue to live strong…. I can’t wait to see you when you are HOME!

  23. Hey there Peter, I Keep checking on your udates, I am amazed at how well you keep your spirits up with everything going on, way to go. I love your new haircut, it looks great. I have never met you, but I had the privilege of meeting Ellie & Kate, my girls ages 2 & 8 got to play with them at our Hanson Reunion, my mother is Brian’ cousin. Hi to Ty & Erika and to wish you all the best, our thoughts & prayers are with you all. Love Kristin, Larry, Jordan & Kaitlyn Geschwill

  24. Hey Pete,
    I’m thrilled to hear that your 1st chemo session went well and that you’ll be going home this afternoon. It will be great to go home for a while and bother your sisters a little bit! I’m sure they miss you. I also wanted to comment on you new hair-do, it looks pretty cool! Keep eating those fruits and veggies, they’ll help you out in the long run. Take care buddy!


  25. Peter,

    I am so glad to hear that your treatments are going well and that your appetite is back, or at least it appears that way since you were eating a sandwich that was the size of your torso according to Uncle Matt.

    I wanted you to know that I love you new hairdo as well. Quite hip. All my brothers and nephews used to wear their hair like that. Even my dad wore his hair like that once. The funny thing about my Dad’s haircut though was that his hair gets pretty puffy at times (or at least it used to) because he would only get it cut about every 6 months and one day my brothers thought that it would be a good idea if they shaved his hair as well. So, one day they started got out the trimmer and started to shave down the middle of his head. They managed to do the whole length, but then as they went to do the rest, the shaver got stuck and the cutter broke, so they could not finish. Yikes, my poor dad ended up having a reverse mohawk and of course all of us kids thought it was hilarious, so we weren’t working to hard at correcting the situation. What dad’s will do for their kids.

    I think it is great though that all of your uncles cut their hair the same way. You sure are a trendsetter! What if your mom and all your aunties decided to have their hair done like that too. Now that would be goofy.

    I hope that your weekend goes well and please know that we (the Rabe’s) will be thinking of you and praying for you as we have been since the beginning. I bet one day you will look back on this and be amazed how many people have come to know you and love you. As everyone has said, you truly are a special individual and without even realizing it, you have changed many lives for the better already.


  26. Peter, Ty, Ericka and the Girls

    I have been keepin’ up with you guys and praying everyday…you are an amazing family. All the positive energy that surronds you must provide additional support and comfort.

    With thoughts and prayers,
    Bridget Krygiel

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