32 Replies to “Check Out My New Cut”

  1. Peter

    Great hair cut. Hope all is well. I went today to get mine cut. I went just a little bit shorter. We will have to compare length when you get home. See you soon

    Dean and Carrie

  2. Looks like we are the first ones to see the new Peter! You are one handsome dude! I don’t know how to “write” a whistle sound… so just pretend you can hear me… here’s one big whistle to the cutest 4 year old boy on the face of the earth!

    Love you bud!

  3. Hi Peter
    Oh my gosh your new hair cut is awesome. You look so cute no matter how you cut your hair. I know you dont like girls (ya right)…Have you ate all the suckers I brought you. If so just let me know because there are lots more where those came from. Keep fighting big guy, be strong and lets beat this mean tummy animal.
    We are all praying for you and fighting with you.
    Take care.
    Love and prayers

  4. Nice Cut Peter! I am going to get mine cut tonight. I will ask the barber for “the Pete-Man Cut.” He will know what I mean. See you soon, buddy.


  5. Peter

    Like your new hair cut. You are a “thoroughbred”. I just finished writing in to a new book for you. It is too late to mail, but I have it for you in my office. It is called “Remembering Herbie” (Brooks); celebrating the life and times of Herb Brooks.

    I wrote:

    We were all put on this earth to anoint ourselves – in some way. For some, this takes a life time. You are a step ahead of your peers with your charisma, charactger and class. Keep the faith, hope, belief and love that you generate every day and everything will work out in your favor. Love ya, Pete!


  6. Hi big brother-
    Me and Kate LOVE your hair cut!! We LOVE you and MISS you very much… today we are at Jenni’s and before we had lunch, Tate said a prayer for Peter to get healthy and to have good chemo. Give a big hug and kiss to mommy and daddy for us!
    Love, Your little sisters
    Kate and Ellie

  7. Oh boy, lovin the new “do” there kiddo!!

    So how does it feel to be a celebrity? You’re famous!! Jeez, the next thing we’ll see is you all over the nightly news!! ; )

    Thinking of you everyday sweetheart, keep fighting the big fight!!

  8. Hi Peter,

    We just wanted to let you know how great that new cut looks on you. Keep up the big fight and your big smiley face makes us laugh.

    BIG HUGS to you,
    Dean ,Denise, Blake, Bren & Tiffany

  9. Hi Peter,

    Jill just told me there was a picutre of you with your new haircut…I think it looks so awesome. I bet there are a lot of guys (girls anyone?) getting their hair cut like yours so they can be just like you! Who wouldn’t want too be just like you, strong and brave and ready to kick this tummy stuff in the butt! We are always thinking about you and asking God all the time to help you and your family get through this. Stay strong always.



  10. Oh Peter – you are a doll!!! Those girls are going to be waiting in line someday! Nice cut buddy! You’d look cute no matter what! Hope you are feeling good, sweetie. I know Jenni and Em and Lil and ALL the daycare kids miss you tons. We are having a garage sale this weekend and Emily is going to sell pop to raise some money for your benefit fund.

    Peg and Ron

  11. Nice doo Peter. Hope you are having a good day today. Give your Mom & Dad a big hug for me and let them know I am with you guys all the way ! Hope you all can come over soon and see our crazy beagle, named Hobey. He loves smiling little boys with short hair, just like we do. I am going to the Twins game tonight and will cheer for Joe. Did you see any Gophers today ? Talk to you soon

    Perry P.

  12. Dear Peter,

    You are one handsome little fellow! We hope you are feeling OK with the chemo now going for over 24 hours. Remember, if you don’t feel good, there are so many ways the nmurses can make you feel better.

    Molly’s first chemo took a little adjusting of medications, but when we found the right combinations, she tolerated the chemo well. Everyone’s stomach handles the chemo differently. The best thing is to make sure you drink lots of fluids. You can get really yummy popsickles from the nurses. Molly loved those.

    You may also only like to eat certain foods because the chemo leaves a little taste in your mouth…..again, tell your mom that is normal. Remember though, try to find things the you like so you can keep up your nutrition. Molly was only 13 months only when she had her chemo, so she still drank a bottle. She drank lots of bottles!! Milk was her favorite…Lots of milk.

    Molly made you a little present and we are going to come down this afternoon and drop it off. If you are not feeling well, or sleeping we won’t wake you. We have to bring Molly’s Big Brother to Duluth this weekend to college, and we really wanted to make sure you got your present!!

    We are praying our Novena to St. Jude for you every day. We prayed it for Miolly too and it worked!! I will bring it for your mom.

    We love reading the sweet notes from all your friends. You are one lucky little man!

    Our love to you all!!!

    The Hollway’s
    Mary, Bill, Billy, 18, Mikey, 16, and Molly 14 (Neuroblastoma Survivor from Edina MN)
    Molly web page and story: http://www.maryhollway.com/PageManager/Default.aspx/PageID=705754&NF=1

  13. The Power of Peter’s Attitude

    The attitude you bring to your young life is a lesson to all of us who have experienced what we consider some unfair circumstance in our lives.

    Your positive attitude has caused a chain reaction of positive thinking and caring beyond anyone’s imagination. This attitude is something often times missing in our society as we view it today.

    You have been a catalyst for generating an amazing amount of love and the results are glaring. One only needs to read your web site.

    You look like a player on a mission, ready to play, and unbeatable in your desire to succeed. Something tells me you will continue to reach back and compete.

    Love ya, Pete!


  14. I LOVE your new do buddy! You are such a stud. I can’t wait to see it in person. I’ll be there soon to hangout.

    Love you! Auntie G

  15. Tanner wanted me to tell you that your haircut is AWESOME! He likes to have his hair the same way as yours is now! We’re praying for you to get better soon!!!!
    Love, the Larson’s

  16. OK Peter, I didn’t think you could get any cuter, but you did. I won’t be able to see you again today but Grandma tells me you’re having a good day. Hope you have a good night too. We love you. Michelle, Scott and Macy

  17. Peter I really like your new hair cut. I wish I was closser so I feel it and give you a great big hug. Just know I am always thinking of you, you and your hole family are in my prayers. Be strong and and get better soon. God bless, Cheryl Bailey

  18. Hi Pete!
    Hello again from Brainerd. We really like your hair cut! Brendan is getting his hair cut @ Fineline tomorrow. I bet they can do a Petey!
    Brendan’s dad grew up in Michigan and likes the Tigers – boooooo, right?! But he cheered on the Twins last night. Maybe they can pull
    off a win today? I bet you’ll be cheering them on, right?
    I bet it’s fun getting to see the fireworks from the Fair at night!!
    We hope to see you at the rink again soon!
    Take care, little buddy!
    Kathy, Dan, Mare & Bren

  19. Now dont you look handsome with your new haircut. !!! You look just adorable on your picture.
    Hope all is going well with you today and that you are not feeling really sick. Try to eat and drink lots so your tummy feels better.
    Hang in there Peter and we are all thinking of you every; minute of every day. Lots of Love and prayers for you too.
    Uncle Chuck and Aunt Rose

  20. Fresh DEW there Peter!! You have the Groth Brothers style haircut now. Welcome to the team buddy. My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family. Always remember to remain strong throughout this whole procedure because the sheer love and support from your family and friends can conquer anything. Hope to come and visit sometime soon with the rest of my family and I hope you feel better soon. God bless, take care and always remember to smile because yours lights up the room everytime it happens.

    Michael Groth

  21. Hey Peter,

    You look great with your new hair cut. Dino #16 has a hair cut just like yours! He has always had a buzz. I think he likes how it feels and likes it when people feel his head. (Don’t tell anyone!) Are you good at keeping secrets? When he was a little guy like you he would ask me to rub his head….every once and a while he still does. Good luck fighting the bad guys. Your Mom and Dad must be so proud to have such a brave little boy!


  22. Hi Peter,
    Wow, we thought you were handsome before but you look “fab” WITH THAT GREAT HAIRCUT. Keep on fighting……..
    We send you much love,
    Uncle Ed and Aunt roz Eigner

  23. What a CUTIE! Peter looks TOO CUTE! We have been praying for ALL of y’all and for a speedy recovery. A lot of our friends down here in Texas, are too! Get lots of rest, Peter! We love y’all!

  24. Hey Peter,

    Thats the coolest hair cut I have seen in a long time……….. You don’t me, but I am a fellow Sertoma with your mom. I do believe I had the honors to set next you a few weeks ago when you where there with your mom. I just wanted to let you know that we all know you are such a big brave boy. We all have put you in our daily prays, and thoughts. Ty and Erica as Holly said early the entire community is praying for you and your little guy and the rest of your family.

    Best Regards


  25. Pete-man I love your haircut! I bet it feels really cool, too. Do you want Coach K to wait for his haircut so you can do it? We can’t wait for you to feel better so we can visit you at your house. Maybe you and Hunter could even play a little floor hockey in your kitchen again! It was nice to talk to your mom and dad today. They are so proud of you (and so are all of us) for being so brave. I’m so glad that you’re getting medicine to help you get better. Sending you lots of love from Brainerd!!! Maggie

  26. Hi peter you dont know me but I here alot about you from your mommy.
    I do your moms nails, and just to let you know we are praying for you every day.. And by the way your haircut is great I couldnt of did it better!!!!
    Lots of love and take care of yourself and tell your mom and dad HI for me ok
    Love Dena

  27. Hey there Peter! What a cool haircut! I think it is so fabulous that everyone is going to get their haircut just like you!!!!!! WOW! That is super! Ya know what? When I had chemo , Ben was on the LCSC golf team out here and do you know what those guys did? They all shaved their heads to be like me too! Our daughter Kinsey even cut her hair really short!( and her hair was down to her waist)! I know you have never met Ben or Kinsey, but they knew your Mommy and Daddy. Your Daddy was Bens’ hockey coach!
    That kind or support sure does help, huh?You sound like one fun and happy boy! I hope next time we come back to Minnesota for a visit, we will be able to meet you! Keep smiling and remember everyone is praying for you!!!!!!!Hope you have a good night!
    Take care and God Bless,
    Debbi and Rick

  28. Dear Peter & Family,

    We pray daily for you and your family so that God may provide you peace, comfort and strength to overcome this disease. Also, our prayers are with your doctors for wisdom as they guide you and your family through this time.

    We know that you can do this and remember there is a whole community that loves and supports you!

    Reed, Jill, Ty, Sam, and Brady Mick

  29. Peter, the new ‘do looks great, especially with that smile. I had my grad pics yesterday and Woody told me i needed to work on my smile. I guess I’m not a natural like you. keep being brave and stong bud!

    Jack #5

    P.S. lets go twins!

  30. Hi Peter, This is Aunt Nancy writing on Gramma Mary’s site. I haven’t been to see you the last couple of days since you started your chemo. I just want to keep all the yucky outside germs away from you so you stay healthy and strong. I hope to see you soon after you are feeling stronger. I bet your big muscles will start coming back real soon. I love you and I continue to pray that your recovery will be speedy (like your little motorcycle) Just remember the BIG GUY – JESUS is on your team. I would definately want him on my team. Love you lots Aunt Nancy

  31. We had 22 people at our lake place last weekend, sitting at the dinner
    table, holding hands and praying for a brave 4 year old that most people didn’t know. Hearing his story left not a dry eye in the place.
    Many thoughts and prayers all with you all.

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