Sunday PICU

I will make this quick as I just stepped off the unit and am doing this from my blackberry. Ty stayed last night and I was thinking I might show up this morning to find a slightly more alert Peter. He has not opened his eyes but a couple of times as of yet (12:00 est). He is doing fine but one of his lungs has partially collapsed from fluid and lack of deep breaths. They are doing frequent chest x-rays and think it will resolve by tomorrow. He has been wearing a large breathing mask with straps around his head at top and bottom, which forces him to take bigger breaths. They are doing chest pt (they bang softly on his chest and back with a cup-like object). He indicates he does not like this one bit and maybe that’s why he is choosing just to sleep a lot. he fellow said this is a minor setback but he was ahead of the curve so now he’s really right where he should be. We don’t know if we’ll be moving over to the hospital tomorrow or not. Needless to say we are really anxious to meet with his oncologist to discuss what is going on, and next steps. The answers will take some time to unfold.
Ty and I are passing time doing a lot of reading, we get out for a quick meal a couple times, and watching boats of all sizes pass right below us on the East End River. Its a beautiful view and we now have another idea of something we want to do with Peter once he feels better!

15 Replies to “Sunday PICU”

  1. Thinking of you and praying extra hard…….
    Thanks for the update, we’ll be holding our breath until Peter is breathing better.

    Uncle Ed and Aunt roz

  2. Ty and Erika, I am praying hard as are all Peters family and friends. Keep us posted as we want to respect your time and keep phone calls to a minimum. I don’t think I have to tell you that you, Peter and
    Ty are on our minds constantly. Let us help with whatever you need. I know Ty only packed for Fri, Sat, Sun so if you want me to mail him some more clothes I will.
    Thanks for taking the time to keep us updated. Love and prayers to all three of you. And special prayers for the doctors and nurses caring for Peter.
    Gramma Mary

  3. Thanks for the regular updates. It’s so important for us to hear about Peter’s progress when phones are at a premium. Ellie has face bruises once again as she took a header off our deck (she was on her little bike.) But no blood and no loss of teeth. She’s as tough as you, Peter; so’s Kate! When I was praying with Ellie at bedtime last night, we could hear Kate echoing our words from her crib. You’re on our minds constantly, and our hearts are in constant prayer. Love, Grandma Poopster

  4. Peter~

    We are thinking of you! And hoping for a speedy recovery. You are so strong and we are so proud of you. Keep fighting!

  5. I continue to keep you in my thoughts and prayers. I know how strong you all are, keep fighting. God Bless, Cheryl Bailey

  6. Thanks so much for the updates….we are constanly thinking about you, Peter, Ty and Erika. All we can say is that we are praying for you and thinking good, positive thoughts. We know you can do this and you will prevail during this time as you have in the past!! Ty & Erika we can only imagine how difficult this is for you- we pray for your strength for Peter!
    Love, Greg Brenda Brooke & Ty

  7. Peter:
    Just so you know that someone else is on your side here: I don’t think I would like someone banging on my back and chest with a cup either…. so I think you have every right to ‘not like it one bit’!! 🙂 But, I guess those heroic doctors know what’s best for our little buddy!! You just rest and sleep as much as you need…. there’ll be plenty of time for the more active side of life once you’re feeling better! In the meantime, we hope you rest peacefully & comfortably and that you have nothing but sweet dreams.
    Ty & Erika~ sounds like you are both handling things as well as can be expected. Enjoy the beautiful views and enjoy the peaceful reading times…. your rest and calmness will certainly help in Peter’s recovery, too. I know you desperatly want to be ‘home’ during this difficult time, but please know that all of your friends & family back home are willing and eager to help out with anything necessary. Kate & Ellie are safe and sound with gramma & grampa (well, except for a few face bruises… but, hey, why sweat the small stuff!! 🙂 ) and they are more than welcome at my house anyday, anytime. You just focus on the healing and recovery of precious Peter.
    Thinking of you and wishing I could hug all three of you~
    With many prayers for healing, open eyes, thumbs up, easy breathing and smooth sailing…
    ~love~ Jen, Ryan, Emily, Lily & Parker

  8. Hello Eigner’s,
    Sending our constant love and support. It’s hard to relate to the magnitude of what you are facing every day. Your strength is amazing to all of us from afar. You are in our thoughts and prayers every day.

    Love, Jeff, Kendra, and Cassie

  9. Sending you prayers from the Kvalevog house…please let us know if there is anything we can do for you here in Brainerd! Maggie

  10. We love you all. You are in our thoughts and prayers all the time. We wish you continued strength and energy to keep fighting this battle. You have the strongest soldier any of us has ever known on your side of the battlefield! KEEP FIGHTING PETE!!!

    Love, Bill, Diane, Jess, Mike and Molly

  11. Sounds like Peter still has that fighting spirit if he doesn’t take too kindly to the back pounding. :0) What a great picture Peter of you and your dad at sunset during the cancer walk. Our prayers continue to go up for you and your family….stay strong.

  12. Dear Ty and Erica,

    We are praying for you all in NYC. I am so glad the surgery went so well……many blassings to count that the whole tumor is out of him now. Hopefully the chemo will allow you to do the 3f8’s again. Awesome that his kidney was left intact.

    Praying for a fast recovery and good answers to your tough questions. Know that you are in the right place at MSK for the best cutting edge treatments.

    If you have any questions, email me and I can forward them to the list. Most of the people from the NB conference are on the list and can help you too with their experiences and suggestions.
    I know several live in NYC too, so help with a friend is right there too!!

    We will keep Peter and you two in our prayers!

    The Hollways
    Bill, Mary, Billy, Mike and Molly

  13. Peter, Ty and Erika,

    You are in our thoughts and prayers all the time!

    Hope to see you all soon!


    Amy, Robert and Emerson Gordon

  14. Hi Eigner Family,

    Please know we prayed for Peter at church this weekend–
    and several other times as well.

    I remember Daniel just hated that chest PT right after surgery too
    b/c he was in so much discomfort, and it broke our hearts to have to do it to him– even though we knew it was necessary.
    Like Pete, he just wanted to be left alone–and who can blame them!

    I know Pete will get stronger each day–I am always amazed by how quickly kiddos recover from things.

    I’m sure it good to know that the mass is out of his body now too.

    Please know that Pete is in our family’s continued thoughts and prayers.
    God Bless.

    -The Hammer Family

  15. Dear Eigners and extended family,

    I just wanted to let you know that people are praying for your family from all around the globe and have been since last August. Peter, you and your family have been included in my families daily prayers and continue to amaze everyone.

    Our prayers are that you all continue to find faith and never stop believing in miracles. Peter you have been a miracle and continue to show all of us what it means to live life every day with strength, courgeous and with a smile. You are a champion Peter…..and this poem belows reminded me of your current fight against cancer….it was written by a boy very close to your age.

    On Being a Champion
    From the book Journey Through Heartsongs, by Mattie J.T. Stepanek

    A champion is a winner,
    A hero…
    Someone who never give up
    Even when the going gets rough.
    A champion is a member of
    A winning team…
    Someone who overcomes challenges
    Even when it requires creative solutions
    A champion is an optimist,
    A hopeful spirit…
    Someone who plays the game,
    Even when the game is called life…
    Especially when the game is called life.
    There can be a champion in each of us,
    If we live as a winner,
    If we live as a member of the team,
    If we live with a hopeful spirit,
    For life.

    God bless you and your family and may he hold you in the palm of his hands now, forever and always.

    Heather Groetsch and Family (friend of Matt and Michelle)

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