Week of Testing

Here is the report card from this week’s tests.

  • Bone Marrow Biopsy: So far so good
    Marrow was extracted from both sides of his pelvis on Monday. The initial results are clear, but they’re looking deeper.
  • Bone Scan: Negative!
    Results came back this morning.
  • CT Scan: Friday
    Scan of his whole torso, head, neck.
  • MIBG: Friday
    This is the scan that “lights up” cancerous areas.
  • Audiogram: Upcoming

It was a big relief today to get the clear bone scan results. That’s always a scary one.

I would say Peter’s general status is excellent. His hair continues to grow and his energy seems good. He’s quite skinny, so malts before bed are acceptable.

Tomorrow is a big day of testing and then the Eigner’s can go home for the weekend. Monday they will return for their consultation with the doctors and they’ll learn the results of his remaining tests and if Peter will be getting the antibody treatment here in Minneapolis. I think it’s going to be a long weekend of waiting. If he does get the treatment here, he will start next Friday, which is Peter’s Day +100 since transplant. If he doesn’t get the treatment here in Minneapolis, then it looks like NYC is in the Eigner’s future and… well… we’ll see.

What they do know is that the antibody treatment is no picnic. From what I hear, parts of it can have some ugly side effects. That made the decision to enroll for the treatment all the more difficult, but they believe it’s best for Peter. I really can’t grasp how tough it would be to make all of these decisions. The emotional weight, the what-ifs, the conflicts with one’s daily life, the fright, and the obtuse medical terminology must all collide to create a dense fog that blocks out reason and clarity. Yet Ty and Erika are seeing through it all, time and again over the past 9 months, to simply do what’s best for Peter.

Here’s to good test results and good news on Monday. (as i tip back my mug of coffee)

13 Replies to “Week of Testing”

  1. Hey Peter,

    I’m so glad you have a little more energy now and can enjoy this great
    weather. I hear you made it to the reunion , and I’m sure everyone
    was thrilled to see you. I know Henrik was. Sounds like you two had
    a good time.

    Sounds like your tests are coming back good too!!! That’s awesome.

    Keep enjoying those malts every night, cause you want to keep those
    muscle’s coming back stronger than ever. You’ll need those muscle’s
    when you swing the bat, and start hockey again.

    Have a great weekend, and good luck with the tests next week.

    P.S. Erika and Ty, you’re strength is amazing.
    P.SS. Matt, thanks again for the updates, you are doing an awesome
    job too.

    Love, Jan

  2. Dear Eigner Family: My name may sound unknown to you; but I have worked with Troy from the first day he started at Boston Scientific. Through him, I have come to know your families. In fact, I was thrilled to be a guest at their wedding.

    I want all of you to know that I am constantly watching Peter’s updates and I will keep on praying for all of you.

    I am so glad things are turning out as they are; and I am sure with all the prayers and thoughts for Peter things will continue as well as they are.

  3. Hello Peter~
    Once again – you have the beginnings of what looks like a “straight A” report card. 🙂 Way to go Peter – seems to me like you have certainly shown that ‘path thing’ that you are the boss. Kind of also seems to me like you are the winner here…. perhaps the battle isn’t completely over – but you are so far ahead of your opponent at this point – the opponent doesn’t stand a chance of coming back now!! That certainly doesn’t mean that we want you to play any less tough, we just want you to keep at it slow and steady…. just like in the fable “The Tortoise and the Hare” …. slow and steady wins the race. You’re winning, my friend….. just keep on fighting and keep on at the pace your running. It’s working. 🙂
    To Ty & Erika – I completely agree with Matt. You two have really been in some situatioms over the last 9 months that none of us woule ever want to be in. I have nightmares sometimes that something similar happens to one of my kids…. unfortunately, in these nightmares, I am not as strong as the both of you. I just cry & cry & cry …. and scream “NO, NO, NOOOOOOOOOO……………..” The strength and courage and pure love for Peter that the two of you have demonstrated over the past several months is absolutely aweosme. It’s hard to even imagine what is must be like to be in your shoes. You have had so many decisions, choices, what-ifs, unknowns, fears & frights in your life…. yet you handle it like only the best parents would. It’s pretty amazing to know such a wonderful family like your own. Everything you do is for the love of Peter.
    With love, thoughts and prayers for continued good test results – and for ease in making the remainder of the tough choices you will face, we pray.
    The Kelley Family
    Jen, Ryan, Emily, Lily & Parker

  4. Dear little Peter – WOW, we sure do love to hear when you have some good results from all those yucky tests they do on you!! You are simply and awesome young man having to go through this stuff!!!. Keep you the great fight Big Guy! We think about you all the time. Bet you can hardly wait to be able to come home and stay there for good!!!

    Erika and Ty – Oh my gosh – what decisions the 2 of you have had to make. Your strength is amazing! We continue to keep you in thought and prayer and look forward to seeing your happy, healthy, WHOLE family together again soon! NYC doesn’t sound like much fun – at least not in this case! But just think: it brings you closer to the end! Please keep us in mind if there is anything we can do. Good Luck!

    Peg and Ron

  5. Hi Peter and family,
    So far so great on the test results! I’ve been checking every day for the update and will check again tomorrow to read MORE Great news! Peter you are AWESOME!!!!!!
    Kim and Kyle

  6. Peter………again…….. YOU ARE OUR SUPER HERO !!!!!
    Ty and Erika your strength is incredible. We check daily to watch the “excellent reports” on Peters progress.

    YOU GO PETER……..
    Uncle Ed and Aunt roz

  7. Dear Eigner’s
    What FABULOUS news!! We love to hear that you are getting your hair back and getting stronger! Hope you enjoy your weekend back home, the weather will be nice and you can run around I’m sure your neighbors will be glad to see your sweet face again and you can sleep in your own room…..awesome. So the antibody treatment doesn’t sound like so much fun, but with all the courage, character and strength you’ve shown so far you should pass with flying colors! Looking forward to reading about when you all can come home for good, what a great day that will be for all those who love you and pray for you. Hang in there, your almost done!

    Jim and Jenny Ernster

  8. We’re so glad to hear your results continue to come back with good news, and pray for more good news with the next report. Our family thinks of you often, and you are in our prayers continuously.

    We also hope you can remain in the cities for the antibody treatment. We can’t imagine what it’s like to go through all of that, but it must be just a little better being closer to home, friends and family.

    Warm thoughts and prayers,
    Cary and Lori, Luke, Brooke and Erica

  9. Hey Pete,

    It’s been a while. I have been keeping up with you in my prayers,
    but not in writing you. Two of our hockey coaches are leaving for the war at the end of June. They will be away from there familys for a year. So I pray for you and them (Brian & Roger).
    I’m coaching T-ball now I have one of my Ice Mites on my team. Do you hit off a tee or can you hit a pitch? I bet you get pitched to don’t you. Speaking of baseball I am glad to see Joe back in the line up.How about you? do you like Joe too?
    Well peter it’s to nice of a day to be sitting on the computer.
    Gods speed Peter in your next faze of treatment.

    (coach) Karen

  10. Thinking about all of you this weekend and hoping you are having a good time. House was really lonely last night!!!


  11. Dear Peter and Family,

    I am praying so hard for perfect results for all your tests! There is nothing quite like what Moms and Dads go through to wait for results. It is down right nerve wracking…I personally could use a padded room and maybe a nice white long-sleeved jacket to wait in! If only we could all be like you Peter. Trusting, happy, and full of life!!!!

    I am also praying for the randomization results for the ch14.18…ah that is really hard. Which antibody is best? The logistics of 3F8 in NYC can be overwhelming…but if you end up going there I am praying it is because the antibodies there are better for Peter! God knows best!

    Erik got only two rounds of the hu14.18-IL2 antibody at the U of M. They are excellent at taking care of kids on antibodies…I was very impressed! I learned some kids have very little or no pain with the antibodies. Erik just had elevated liver enzymes and bilirubin.

    Praying for you all always. Peter you are an amazing little man. The whole world is so proud of you.

    Erika thank you for the sweet post on Erik’s site…it means so much to him and to me!

    Thinking of you constantly!

  12. Great News Peter!
    We hope you enjoyed your weekend at home. What a beautiful weekend it was. Tanner wants to know if you were outside this weekend? Playing ball, hockey, or just running around. We are all praying for you and we wish you the best as you head back to the cities this week for what we are hoping is the antibody treatments in MPLS!!!

    All of our LOVE,
    The Larsons

  13. Hey pete-
    i hope that your weekends at home have been great – I know mine have been quite a treat. things are moving right along for you. I hope everything turns out as well as can be – your doing great bud! You’ll have to keep me updated how things are sincce you get to go first. They shortened my raditation by about a week which was good for me. Again good luck from the Virnig’s. We’re always thinking about you!
    Mary Virnig

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