Quick Update

I thought I’d put a quick post up, since it’s been awhile. It seems like we’re just kind of moving along day-by-day and I realize a week or more has passed! Peter is doing pretty well. It’s sort-of ironic because we feel like he is getting a little better and stronger each day, and yet his counts are almost as low as they were when he would “bottom out” between chemo treatments. He’s still getting transfusions every other day or so; still on the same meds and they added one yesterday because he has a sinus infection. He has had some leg/foot pain in the last week, which is obvious to anyone who sees him walk, that we are trying to assess, because it doesn’t seem to have any easy explanation (ie: it’s just his new marrow at work). His BMT doc said she will likely do another MIBG scan if it continues into next week. So you might think he is laying around all day? NO! He is playing outside, enjoying the weather, his sisters and lots of family and friends (thank you for allowing us to crash your houses every single night for dinner!) He tires quickly but we are so thankful for nice weather so we aren’t stuck inside all day.
We also met with the Radiation Oncologist yesterday and they believe he’s a week or two away from starting radiation due to low counts. He will have 3 weeks of radiation (14 days with no weekends). These treatments shouldn’t have any major side effects. Fatigue and possibly some nausea because they’ll be radiating his abdomen where the primary tumor was located.
I think that’s about it for now!

11 Replies to “Quick Update”

  1. God bless all of you! We continue to pray daily for Peter’s (Cotton’s) recovery and the strength for you and family as a whole.

  2. Thanks for the update, Erika! I know I speak for many when I say we check the site daily (or perhaps several times daily!! 🙂 ) So glad to hear that aside from some (hopefully!?) minor foot pain, things seem to be moving right along! Peter’s continued amazing recovery is inspiring to us all…. we continue to pray for all things to work out in Peter’s favor! I am guessing that you have your whole family (meaning the girls have joined you) staying at the RMH?? What fun! I bet the kids love playing together – thank goodness for beautiful weather! We are putting together some birthday packages for Ellie & Peter. I will have to give you a call sometime in order to make arrangements to get them delivered to the appropriate place!! 🙂 I feel so bad that I haven’t called you in a while…. life gets in the way, and like you mentioned, just when you think everything is moving along smoothly, you realize “Oh my GOSH! It’s been weeks since I have talked to you!” So, accept my apology for the lack of phone calls. It certainly doesn’t mean we aren’t thinking about you all!!!!
    With spring time wishes, sunny thoughts and lots of love and prayers~
    The Kelley’s
    Jenni, Ryan, Emily, Lily & Parker

  3. Happy Spring to you all, Eigners! Thanks for updating us, Erika! As Jen said, I too check the site frequently. So glad to hear things are going as smoothly as possible. How wonderful you can be outside!! Jen’s driveway is full of wishes for Peter – lots of chalking going on over there! Keep up the good work Peter – we think of you every single day and look forward to seeing you soon!

    Peg and Ron

  4. Erika,
    Thank you for the update!! I too check the site 3-4 times a day and figure most of the time that no news is good news! Glad to hear that things are progressing as normally as can be expected. Also nice to hear that you have been able to enjoy the outdoors a little.
    It’s amazing what fresh air and sunshine on your face can do for the attitude! We continue to pray for you and your family. Knowing that with every day that passes Peter is one step closer to kickin this path thing right out the door!
    Take care Peter, I hope your leg/foot start to feel better soon!
    The Olson’s
    Ty, Lisa, Paige, Drew and Hallsey

  5. Eigners
    Praying daily for Peter and the whole family! Our kids like to hear the updates on you, Peter. We were happy to hear things are chugging along. Enjoy the spring weather and concentrate on good thoughts and getting well. Thanks for the update!!
    Glenda, Steve, Jacob, Megan, Josh Ellingson

  6. So glad to hear you are outside enjoying the sun. Stay rested even though its so tempting to keep on going. Take care of your little foot, you need it for those hockey skates when the season starts. Thinking about you every day.
    Bambi O’Hern

  7. Peter, I’m excited to hear that you are able to get outdoors and play…my prayers are with you and your family. You’re a little darling and I love the (uh, oh, I’m dating myself here) Yul Brenner look!

  8. I hope we get more sunny days to go out and play. We had a track meet on Monday and at the begining it was sunny and warm and then by the end had thunder and lightning and it dropped 20 degrees. Peter, I’m not sure if you follow football at all but Tim Brewster, the new Gopher football coach was in Brainerd today. Praying lke a warrior.

  9. Hi Peter,
    Wow this weather is pretty nice isn’t it? It won’t be long before the flowers are blooming and you’ll be able to be outside playing alot. We are checking your site everyday and saying extra prayers for you. You’re doing great CHAMP.
    Uncle Ed and Aunt roz

  10. Hey Eigners,
    We are glad Peter is feeling strong and enjoying the nice weather. I hope he enjoyed the Wild win the other night!
    Just a little more medicine for Peter it sounds like and he will be fishing and playing shinny again. Henry has a game of shinny waiting for him.
    You are all doing sucha fabulous job. Keep healing, Peter. Eigners, we hope to visit with you very soon. You are in our prayers!

    The Enebaks

  11. Peter, Erika and Ty…

    I just got all caught up on what has been going on with all of you the last couple of weeks. I was thinking, while I was reading, that I have never followed the path of anyone who has had cancer or a disease the way that I have with Peter. Typically I would hear that someone would have a disease and then the next I would hear is that they had been treated and were in recovery. It is amazing to me the time, energy, prayers and love that occurs on a daily basis. I think that this site and Peter’s journey and your journey as parent’s has helped all of us out so much. So much of the fear of the unknown is gone and we can all just work together with prayers, thoughts, visits, etc.. Thank you for allowing us to all be a part of this with you and your family.

    On a side note, Erika and Ty…the other day I was talking with one of my vendors about what he had going on for the weekend and he and his wife were going to a Benefit. The conversation progressed and I found out it was a Cancer Benefit. I mentioned that possibly some of my friends would be there because of their son. He asked about the son and I told him Peter’s name. Come to find out…he is a good friend of yours…Bob Bernier. Apparently he said that Ty was originally supposed to be sitting at their table. What a small world. Truthfully though…I guess it didn’t really surprise me too much though because I think that more people than you can imagine know you all…especially because of Peter’s journey with this and your ability to share with all of us what it is really all about.

    As everyone continues to say, I am so extremely happy that everything is going as planned, expected. I honestly cannot believe how strong Peter is and that he has gone through this process as if he had gone through it before and this is just no big deal to him. That is the true sign of the Lord within us all!

    I hope that you all have a wonderful weekend. We are finally blessed with beautiful weather, which makes any day nice…regardless!

    We love you all,
    Amy, Mike and Maddie Reusse and the entire Rabe Family

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