Peter is plugging away

I Just wanted to let all of you know how appreciative Erika and I are for your unbelievable support and prayers. Peter is doing a GREAT job. He is handling his situation in a way that would make any parent proud! When the Doctors or nurses come in to check on him, his answer to their many questions is ALWAYS “Good” He has maintained his personality throughout and has won over an entirely new set of nurses. Today he told me he needed a Kleenex, because his nose was running. You see, he does not like to blow his nose real hard because it makes him cough, and coughing hurts his throat. Anyway, he used the Kleenex and I said “you must have a leak in your nose, and he quickly responded, “yeah, I must have a hole in my nose Dad.” Earlier in the day a nurse who is in training met Peter for the first time, and as she watched him in all his glory on the toilet, she said “I just want to take a bite out of him he is so darn cute.” He continues to amaze Erika and I and we continue gain strength from him. So please keep him in your prayers and keep posting on his site he really enjoys us reading them to him.

Thanks and God Bless,

Ty and Erika

22 Replies to “Peter is plugging away”

  1. Hey Eigs

    I haven’t seen or spoken to you since we ran into each other in the hotel bar in Minnesota when I was there to pay the wild and I believe that would have been when you guys were expecting this little fighter. I just received this link from AJ and I am so sorry and want you to know that My family sends there prayers and love to you and your entire family. I just wanted to send a little note let you know that even though we dont speak very often at all I will keep your entire family in my prayers and thoughts while you guys are going thru this tough time in your lives. Stay strong as Peter needs you guys more now then he ever will. Take care and I will log on to this page often to receive the positive messages about your little fighter. Good luck with everything and stay positive.

    Roy ( Harks)

  2. Good morning Eigners –
    We are so glad to hear this update!! Once again, he is sooooo amazing!! And, I know exactly what that nurse means about wanting to take a bite. Yes, he is so darn cute – as are your beautiful little girls!! Thanks for keeping us all in the know – you are in our thoughts constantly!!
    The Allords

  3. Hi Peter!

    We are so happy to hear you are taking this recent journey as you have all the others. You put the troop in trooper! We really hope that you just keep feeling better and better. I don’t think that our last message got through but want you to know that Baden includes you in his prayers every night. If he thinks that he forgot you or if he thinks that he might get to stay up longer for having longer prayers we go back to the prayer list and you are the last one he mentions everynight followed up with a big AMEN. Keep those nurses loving on you but don’t let any of them take a bite out of you. Baden wants to leave with a knock knock.

    Hey Peter – knock knock

    Who’s there?


    Hopya who?

    Hopya feel better.

    Love the Bastians

  4. Dear Eigners,

    Kevin, big Pete and I check your site every day, and talk about how you are all doing many times a day. Pete – you continue to amaze everyone with your Warrior spirit and toughness. With this big knockout round of chemo, those sneaky cancer cells will have NO PLACE to hide.

    Hang in there — all of you are in our thoughts and prayers.


    Deb Lee

  5. Glad to hear that Peter’s spirits are still good! We had told Tate that Peter was getting really sick from the cancer medicine and throwing up.That night when Tate said his prayers before bed. He said,”Dear God please dont let Peter puke on his toys.” He said it very heartful. Looks like we are all saying our own special prayers for Pete!
    Dan, Ann and Tate Richter

  6. Hi Pete
    Here is a little cheer for you. Tell your mom and dad to do this cheer for you and make sure they pretend they have pom poms in their hands.
    Way to go Peter, way to go (clap, clap)
    Way to go Peter, way to go (clap, clap)
    You are the bravest fighter, in the world (clap, clap)
    You are the bravest fighter, in the world (clap, clap)
    We all keep praying for you, everyday (clap, clap)
    We all keep praying for you, everday (clap, clap)
    Its a little cheesy but I like the picture of your mom and dad doing the pom pom dance for you.
    Have a great day little buddy and your are in my thoughts continuously.
    Love you
    Jill S

  7. Hip Hip Hooray for a great post this Wednesday! (Does that rhyme? I was trying to be poetic!??) Peter – do you ever get tired of people telling you that you are AMAZING?? Or that you are REMARKABLE?? How about people telling you that you are PHENOMENAL?? SUPER? COURAGEOUS? Do you get tired of being called BRAVE? Well, I certainly hope not, because I am going to tell you once more that you are AMAZING, REMARKABLE, PHENOMENAL, SUPER, COURAGEOUS and incredibly BRAVE! Wow…. you absolutely give me the chills! I was going to say that I “can’t believe” how well you are handling this hurdle…. but then I remembered that this is Peter John Eigner we are dealing with here… and, of course he would handle it with the utmost strength and courage. I guess that’s why we all proudly wear our “Believe” wristbands. You are so inspiring and you definitely give us all a reason to believe in miracles. I believe in miracles. I believe in the power of prayer. I believe in Peter. To end this, I was going to say something witty like “keep up the great fight”…. but I think it’s become quite obvious by now that you don’t need us to tell you that!
    I love you to the moon and back… to infinity and beyond…. until the day after forever. (and that’s a LONG time!!)
    Patiently waiting until the day you can come back and play~
    Jenni, Ryan, Emily, Lily & Parker~
    P.S. Don’t let those nurses take too many bites out of you! They have to save me a bite…… 🙂

  8. Eigs, Erika & Pete

    It’s unbelieveable reading about the strength and fight that Pete and you all continue to plow forward with. Keep fighting the good fight. Your in my continued thoughts and prayers.


  9. Peter-
    You are an amazing little boy. It is obvous that comes from your parents. Thinking and praying for you everyday.

    Ryan and Stacey WEstrum

  10. Peter, Ty & Erika,
    WOW……………….it is so awesome to hear that you are fighting this battle with your best “GAME FACE” on!!! As others have said, that has been your way since the beginning, and it is working so don’t change a thing! Keep it up and before you know it these 100 days will be long gone……….We continue to say our prayers and I think I probably check your site like 5-6 times a day…….(good thing I have my own office and my boss doesn’t know what I’m up to……..ha)

    Hope you start feeling better soon Peter!!
    With love and lots of positive thoughts,
    The Olson’s
    Ty, Lisa, Paige, Drew & Hallsey

  11. Eigners,

    We’re thinking of you and praying for you every day. We hope to see you soon. Go Twins, Go Wild, Go Gophers, Go Peter!

    Mike, Judy, Troy Bialka

  12. Peter,
    We pray for you every day here in Hawaii. You will inspire many people through your journey with lumps (that’s what Ruthie calls her cancer). Soon your blood counts will be strong again and before you know it you will be checking out of the hospital.
    Lots of Aloha from Hawaii,
    Dan, Charlene, Thomas, Rebekah and Ruthie

  13. I’ve been following your site and when I read the last entry (the 17th) on how great you were doing I just had to post.

    What an amazing kiddo you are. All those icky things you are dealing with – and yet you continue to be such a trooper! I was cringing as I was reading it. OUCH! You just keep fighting! You have lots of people rooting and praying for you!

  14. Hey Pete–you are the best. If that nose keeps running we are going to have to catch it pretty soon don’t you think? You are awesome, you are doing awesome, and we love you and your family very much and are praying like crazy. Know any new “Knock knock jokes”?


  15. Hi Ty and Erika,
    It’s no wonder that Peter is the amazing person that he is. With you as his parents and role models …..he has fantastic examples to follow.
    We admire you both greatly……..
    Keep taking care of each other and know that we are keeping the prayer chain moving.
    Love always,
    Uncle Ed and Aunt roz

  16. Way to go Peter – I am watching the Avs play The Oilers- We are up 2-0
    I always think of you when I watch The Avs- Hang tough Buddy- Once those
    white cells come back you will start to feel Much Better… Couple of More days =
    It is Like Magic…

    the Cohen family

  17. Peter, you are amazing. I know it is hard for your mom and dad to see you go through this, especially the toughest times…and you keep fighting back and are such a brave, courageous boy. They are very proud of you, Peter….you’ve all given this battle all you have in you! Hey, soon it will be time for fishing and rides in Grandpa Poopster’s boat!
    Thinking of you every day!!
    Dee and Jim

  18. Pete-man,
    I’ll be down tomorrow night to see you, let me know if you need anything. Any nurses down on floor # 4.

    We love you buddy,
    Uncle Roy, Auntie Macer, Grace & Lily

  19. Hey Peter,

    All we can say is you are the bravest and most amazing guy we know. Keep fighting kiddo ! We are counting down the days till you are back in Brnd again. Ty & Erika you are the best parents ever this is such a hard journey and you two deal with it so well a big hug to you all. We keep you in our thoughts and prayers daily. Hey Peter, Brnd Bantam A hockey team leaves today for the VFW state tourney we play Duluth East first we will let you know how we are doing ok . You stay strong my friend !

    Dean, Denise, Blake, Bren & Tiffany

  20. Peter, Ty and Erika,
    You are always in our thoughts and prayers. Your strength is incredible! May the strength that you gain from one another and everyone else who cares so deeply for all of you guide you through this journey. Take care.

    The Hoppe Family

  21. Hi Peter!

    I know you’re going through some icky stuff right now, but I bet it’s going to be over before you know it! Keep up the strong fight…I know you can do it! I’m keeping my fingers crossed to see you on Round again this summer! Do you remember when you and your Dad were having a splashing fight at Z’s beach last year? You were being silly, but it was fun! Guess what, I read a really funny joke today and thought you might like it!

    Q: What do you call a cow with a twitch?
    A: Beef Jerky!!!

    It’s great to know you all are doing great, and hanging in there! Thoughts and prayers and hugs, Molly Z

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