Day 0

Our little man is hanging tough, even though the chemo is starting to affect him more. He had been throwing up periodically, but on Monday afternoon the vomiting was more frequent and severe. He also woke up on Monday and said he could feel mouth sores beginning and was congested, which is an early sign of mucusitis (sores throughout his digestive track).

Yet, through it all, he rarely complains about discomfort. He may get a little quiet if things aren’t feeling right. And then after he throws up he’s back to being funny little Peter until another wave hits. I haven’t seen him cry in the hospital since he was going to his first surgery back in August and that was simply a scary time. His attitude seems remarkable to me.

Today is bone marrow transplant day. The transplant will be done in two parts, due to the amount of cells to reinsert. The first session is at 10:00 AM and the second is at 2:00 PM. He’ll be pretty well knocked out during both procedures, apparently to help fend off any fevers or reactions to the cells entering his body. There is ample reason to be nervous, but Peter is in good hands as this hospital is a world leader in BMT’s.

During the next two or three weeks, Peter is going to be very susceptible to infection; His defenses are expected to be completely depleted. During this time it is necessary to cut off visitor traffic to Peter’s room. So if you were planning on visiting, it is still a possibility, but it might not be possible to spend time with Peter. Instead you might accompany Ty and/or Erika for an activity outside of the hospital room, since they need to get out occasionally. Please give Ty or Erika a call if you’re wondering about a visit. The number is 612-273-0227. They truly appreciate the support and want to accommodate every visitor, but the current circumstances are restricting.

It’s Day 0, everyone. Thanks for walking this journey with Peter and his family. Here’s to a successful transplant, strength, steady progress, and a complete recovery.

32 Replies to “Day 0”

  1. Good Luck today Pete-Man!
    Everyone up at the camp is thinking about you today.


  2. Peter–
    Good Luck to you young man. We are thinking and praying for you and your family. We know you are a very strong young man. This is your time to show this path thing who is boss.

    Stacey, Ryan, and Greta Westrum

  3. Peter: Lots of prayers and t houghts are coming your way today and for your journey to day 100 !! Keep fighting as you have been and God will be with you and mom and dad helping you get through this.
    Rest well while the angels watch over you.
    Uncle Chuck and Aunt Rose

  4. Peter-
    You are in our thoughts and prayers in Omaha. Keep kicking this path things rear end!

    God Bless you and your family!

    The Heinen’s

  5. Peter-
    I read your site daily and have it linked from the top of Joe’s fan club site to share with everyone.
    You are a strong little dude Peter and your courage is inspirational. I wish you all the best on your 100 day battle against the bad guys.
    I’ve worn my bracelet since I got it and now I believe in miracles too. You are an amazing fighter, Pete-man!
    Please tell your mom and dad hello for me and thank uncle Matt for his hard work on this site so we can stay informed.
    I just said a prayer for you and your family and even though I may not write about them, I will continue my prayers.
    Be strong!
    Marty Hinrichs

  6. Hang in there Peter! Everyone here in Baxter is cheering for you. We all have confidence that you’ll win this one. On the news front in Baxter, Sindy Shanks is at St.Joe’s. She went in last night to have her baby. I’ll keep you posted.

  7. Hey Peter:

    We are thinking of you today. Extra prayers coming your way buddy! We have faith that the BMT and next 100 days to follow will help you finish off the path thing. Keep fighting Peter!

    Rod, Sue, Jenny, Ryan and Molly

  8. Good morning my dear friend, Peter John~
    The big day has arrived. Today is the first day of the rest of your life, a life that will no doubt carry incredible memories and years of stories to tell over and over again. You are an inspiration to us all and we are so proud to walk this journey with you. We, of course, don’t get to experience the journey in the same difficult way as you will – but I hope you realize that we are here for you in heart, soul, prayer, love, thoughts and dreams. We are amazed at your incredible winning ways and have no doubts that you will make it over any hurdle that comes your way. Remember – even the greatest of champions have delays and dilemas to overcome – but they always come out a winner in the end. Look straight ahead to your goal – push through your pain – use the pain as your teammate and let it guide you to better things. Get angry if you have to – fight with all your might – cry if you need to – but whatever you do, don’t give up!! 🙂
    I am so sorry about your mouth sores. It must be terribly uncomfortable to have all those owies in your mouth. I know what it feels like to have one canker sore – I really can’t imagine what you must be feeling. Uncle Matt says you don’t complain though – you are such a tough young man, Peter. If only some adults could take lessons from you …..
    We continue to pray for you with deep intensity. Our prayers are helping, I am certain. But I can’t help but believe that it’s your attitude and your inner fight that’s pulling you along….. keep it up, Pete. It’s working. 🙂
    I believe in miracles. I believe in Peter.
    With more love than I could ever fit on this page~
    Jenni (Ryan, Emily, Lily and Parker, too)
    P.S. How are those sisters of yours doing? I hope they are feeling better. Tell Gramma Barb to call whenever she needs me to watch them.

  9. Just a trial run here. I just wrote you a lengthy post – but it didn’t show up. I must be spammed! 🙂

  10. Eigner’s,
    GOOD LUCK today as you “start” the “end” of this Path Thing!! As always our thoughts and prayers will be with you on this journey! You keep fighting Peter!

    The Olson’s

  11. Stay strong Eigners!! What an extreme battle you have had. We will pray everything goes well – you are constantly on our minds!!!

    I ran into Grandma and Grandpa Hanson and Kate & Ellie on Sunday at Target. Looked like the girsl were both getting back to normal! Ty and Erika – your children are absolutley gorgeous little angels!!

    Peter, be tough, little one!! This journey is soon over and will be a memory. You are such a special little man. We are thinking of you as you go through this part of your battle – I can’t wait to see you all at Jenni’s house again!!!

    Papa & Monga

  12. Peter,

    We are thinking of you today (day 0) and our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Keep up the good fight Peter!! You are a very special boy and I know you have a bright future. Hang tough little man and I hope the all the natsy side effects of the chemo go away soon. We pray for you daily and wear our braclets with honor. This path thing better watch out because you are going to knock it off its feet!!!! Stay strong Pete!

    Take care,
    Nancy, Bryan, Jake and Abby Bushey

  13. Hi Peter, Ty, and Erika!

    I’m thinking about you guys and hope this obstacle of your journey goes well! Peter, I hope you feel better soon! Call me crazy, but I have a feeling that Peter will conquer this hurdle (yet again) with flying colors!

  14. Peter,

    I’ve got a bright red poster for your room when you’re ready. My little boy Jack teamed up with the rest of his pre-school friends to create their own little masterpiece…some artwork for 4A!!! We were in Boston to watch Carl play and took some pictures for your room too. You stay strong and keep fighting. Spring is just around the corner and we’ve got a TWINS team to cheer for.

    Kristi, Bob and Jack Brandt

  15. Erika, Ty & Peter,

    We’ll be praying more often today and the days ahead…. The Heavens will be swimming with your name….. 🙂

    The Haug Family
    (Randa, Brian, Alec, Ian & Sam)

  16. Hi Peter!

    I’m thinking about you lots today and every day. Keep being the strong little man we know you to be. Lots of hugs and prayers your way.


  17. Hi Pete,
    Well all we can say is that you’re one strong dude. Knock the “path thing” out. You are a winner.
    love always,
    Uncle Ed and Aunt roz

  18. Pete-man,
    Continue to stay strong little man. We’re saying all our prayers and we have faith you’ll finally knock this “path thing” out.

    We love you buddy,
    Uncle Troy, Auntie Macer, Grace & Lily

  19. Hi Pete
    You just keep doing what you have been doing which is being very strong and brave and the rest of us will continue to pray and pray and together we will all kick this path thing out of here.
    Ty & Erika, you both are so amazing, your strength and courage is so wonderful. Hang in there and remember we are all here for you.
    Love and Prayers (and green suckers for Pete)
    Jill S.

  20. Peter, Ty and Erika;
    God be with all of you during these 100 days. You all have amazing strength and courage and will get through this with positive results.
    Be sure to take care of yourselves and I think of you often during the day.
    Bob and Karen

  21. hi peter ty and erika,
    we are all keeping track of the progress here in peds. we are all praying for and we will be with you during these next 100 days in our
    thoughts. we hope your sisters are feeling better. tell your grandma if
    she needs anything from us to call us we know shes busy and were here to help. god bless you all and we’ll keep checking. take care of yourselves ,and keep fighting.
    bmc pediatrics 🙂

  22. Hey Pete-man…..well the big day 0 is here! Another big step in your journey to beating this path thing. You may still be pretty groggy from the medicine you had today, but we just wanted to wish you luck on your big day. You have been such a tough kid, it’s amazing! Keep up the good fight! Love and prayers, Kvalevog’s.

  23. We’re saying our prayers for you, Peter. You’re a strong, little boy and we know you’ll beat this!!!

    Your friends in Indiana-
    Shannon, Brian and Eli

  24. Congratulations Peter- Today is a Big Day!!! Your whole Family
    remains High On Our Prayer List…

    The Cohen Family

  25. Peter, You are so strong!!! So glad to hear the transplant went well today, and your able to rest!! I look at you and all your strength, and that helps me fight my battle with this cancer. I was so glad to meet you, and hope to be able to play with you some day soon. I don’t think my mom was able to e-mail the picture of us, but I will get you one somehow. I along with my Mom and Dad will pray for you each and everyday for the strength to get through this!! Maybe when you are allowed to have vistors I can come and see you. Please call us if there is anything we can do for you. Stay Strong- your buddy Logan

  26. Dear Peter and all, just know that we pray for you every day at school. I know how strong you’ll all need to be these next 100 days, so until it is over you will remain on top of my prayer list. Take care and God Bless, Cheryl Bailey

  27. Peter,
    Your doing an excellent job keeping up such a great attitude. Transplant day is very exciting. The whole hospital will be very excited. Ruth slept through her transplant day. She was not feeling to well from the super chemo. I am sure your Mom and Dad will take some pictures you could see. You will recover quickly and before you know it be back home. By the time you read this you will be at Day +1. Your awesome.
    Aloha from Hawaii,
    Ruthie and Family

  28. Peter,

    Hello our friend! Bummer about the mouth sores. We’ll pray for those owies to go away and go away soon! You are such a trooper and everyone is so proud of you. What do you think is the most amazing thing about you. I don’t think the rest of us our here could begin to limit it to just one. You are awesome, amazing, incredible, super fantastic, and five big doses of yowza all rolled into one. Take care of yourself. Let the doctors/nurses and your family take care of you and you’ll be on to day 100 in no time.

    Love the Bastians

  29. Hey Pete – Looks like things are going to get a little tough over the next couple of weeks. Dino and I are going to be in the stands cheering for you the whole time. You stay strong and you are going to beat this opponent. Make sure you watch all of the hockey games on TV this week! Your Gophers, Huskies and the Fighting Sioux will be battling it out just like you! Take Care!

    We love you,
    Dino and Woody

  30. Peter- I hope you will feeling well today, and your mouth sores are getting better. Just want to let you know we are all thinking of you through out the day, and hope for all the best for you. Take care and stay strong. The Fogarty’s

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