Staying (a little too) Warm

Unfortunately this doesn’t just refer to the fact that we’re staying in the house because it’s so frigid out there, but also refers to Peter. He is definitely hitting bottom – he woke up from a long nap yesterday complaining of sores in his mouth and was running a temp last night, which was just below the threshhold for having to go the hopsital and be admitted. He is tired, without much energy and is pale. He is scheduled to have platelet and blood transfusions tomorrow. Those should give him some of his color back, as well as energy. Today we are hoping he can fend off more fevers so we can go down only for the transfusions, and not for days of hospitalization!
Despite these occurrences, which aren’t unexpected, things have been great at home. He is happy to be here with his sisters, although I’m sure he’d like to get out and about more. Other than a few rides in the car, I don’t know that he’s left the house for over a week. We hope to remain here (other than the transfusions) this week and next before the long stretch – Bone Marrow Transplant. His “work-up” week, consisting of 6 hours a day of doctor appointments, scans/tests, and meetings, is to begin on February 19th.
Thank you for continuing to follow Peter’s journey, your prayers, thoughts, wearing of wristbands, etc!
It’s Super Bowl Sunday… enjoy!

6 Replies to “Staying (a little too) Warm”

  1. Pete,

    Hang in there, pal – we believe in you! You continue to inspire us with your courageous and victorious nature. High-fives from the kids. Our prayers remain with you and your family.

    Sara, Kevin, Marley, Ty and Kaia

  2. Hi Peter~
    Bummer about that darn fever and all that other stuff that has ya’ wiped out!! I guess the only good thing about the fact that you’ll be heading to the hospital tomorrow is that I get to have Ellie & Kate for the day!! 🙂 We are very excited to see the girls tomorrow… and if mommy is the one who picks them up, we hope to see you, too!! We will be thinking about you as you head down to the hospital and we hope that the transfusion goes well…. I am sure it will because everything seems to work out in your favor!!
    Thinking of you today and always~
    Jenni….Ryan…Emily…Lily…. and Parker

    P.S. Erika~ Don’t worry about what time the girls get picked up tomorrow…. we have no plans and the girls are 100% welcome to stay as long as needed…. 🙂

  3. Hey Pete!
    Man that stinks about the fever you have! Those are not fun at all! I hope it goes away soon cause then i can play u in that game of air hockey at the rink that i owe u! I think i can finally beat the champion! but we will see! ooo man pete is is cold out! dont stand outside for to long or else u will turn into an icicle!!! haha just wanted to warn u because i was close! but i am going to go watch the SUPERBOWL! who do u want to win? me and my dad (rod) are fighting over who will win! i think the colts will and my dad thinks the bears will! but feel better soon pete!
    i am thinking and praying for u every single day!
    love—molly peltoma #7
    p.s. Rod Sue Jenny and Ryan all say hi and hope u feel better soon!

  4. Hang in the peter- You are almost up That Mountain ..
    Keep climbing – You and your family are doing Great.
    we are so proud of you guys,, Jake says hello –
    You remain on the top of our Prayer List

    The Cohen family

  5. Hi Peter,

    Whew! You are sure one tough dude. I don’t know anybody who can handle fever, mouth sores, and 40 below wind chills. Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. I’m glad that you get to get out of the house today even if it is only to the hospital. It sounds like they will have a kid sized potion down there that will help you feel better and get your zip back. We went to daycare the other day and I heard someone playing downstairs early! I asked Baden to guess who was down there. He had hopeful eyes and asked, “Peter?” We look forward to the day that we do see you again and pray for you to continue to get better in the awesome way that you do. Good luck this week. Stay warm.

    The Bastians

  6. Hi Peter!! Hang in there buddy. You’re doing great. I am so proud of you. Rest Rest Rest!!! You can do this – I got to meet the fabulous nurses that take care of you at Children’s on Saturday. My mom and I took a lot of hats that she knit to all your friends at the hospital. I really like Jill! She talked about how you always make sure she doesn’t forget the “J” in your name. You are so lucky to have such great nurses taking care of you. My mom also knit scarves for them. I thought they should get a little something for being so nice to you – I hope that was okay. Jill asked me if I would like to volunteer on a Saturday to play games and read to kids. I am so excited to go back there. I hope I will be able to sit and read with you some time – would you like that? Since I am a teacher I have lots of really great stories, and puppets too. Do you like puppets? I bet your sisters do. Thank you so much for talking to me at the doctors office that day in Brainerd. I am really lucky to know you. Hey, I just remembered that Valentines Day is coming up next week. If you don’t already have one, or would like another, Would you like to be my Valentine? If your mom and dad would like to go out that night I could come over and play with you guys. What do you think? Talk to your mom about it and let me know. 218 562-5614 I’ll talk to you soon Pete! Get a lot of rest!
    Your Friend, Bambi

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