Already Home

Peter is back home after a quick recovery in the hospital. He had three days of relative silence; The combination of pain, pain medication, and healing suppressed his conversational nature. But those factors couldn’t keep him down long.

By Friday morning he was off of the morphine and turning the corner. His digestive system started working again and he could take food and water. His plumbing didn’t come back completely normal, though, and he has diarrhea. The doctors suspected a virus called C-Dif — a common infection for immuno-suppressed patients — and that has been confirmed.

The Eigners were released from the hospital on Sunday evening. Peter is on antibiotics for the viral infection and all should be fine if he can keep drinking fluids. The tumor pathology showed the tumor was still cancerous, but the surgery was a clean break, meaning that there shouldn’t be any cancer in his abdomen.

So let’s review the news of the past couple weeks. There shouldn’t be any cancer in his abdomen. There isn’t any cancer in his marrow. There isn’t any cancer in his lymphatic system. These are all the cancerous areas from the original diagnosis. Logic tells me that there isn’t any cancer in Peter’s body at the present. Pretty remarkable.

But this isn’t the end of the fight and everyone will need to remain vigilant. Peter will be back to meet with Dr. Acton (the surgeon) on 1/18. He may even be admitted for round 6 of chemo that day, otherwise it will begin the following Monday.

10 Replies to “Already Home”

  1. I will be the first to comment on this remarkable update. I haven’t commented
    up to this point, but that doesn’t mean that I haven’t followed along on Peter’s recovery. Great news Peter and the rest of the family, I want you to know that the Solomon family (Tom, Angela, Evan, Zachary and Avery) have prayed for you all along. Every few days an old friend (Evan) asks how you are doing and today I will be able to give him the good news, that you are doing GREAT.

  2. Peter,
    What a surprise. I was coming on your site to leave you a ‘hope you can come home soon’ note only to find out your already home!! You must have a body like Superman, Spiderman, the Hulk and all the other superheros!! I’m so glad your home and hope you keep on feeling better and better every day. You Peter are an amazing boy! Do you have a superhero name for you – if not we’ll have to think of one.
    As usual hugs and prayers to you, your mom and dad, and of course your sisters too!!!!
    p.s. Jake Johnson is ready to catch some fish as soon as you are.

  3. Peter, you don’t know who we are but we know your parents from high school. I have three girls, and my oldest Payton is always asking to see how you are doing. She loves to see your pictures. she thinks you are so brave. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family,

    Mike, Kristina, Payton, Chase & Cameron

  4. Eigner’s…
    Words can’t even express how happy we are to read such good reports on Peter. What a guy…his little body has been through so much and he just keeps bouncing back. This is truly such wonderful news and thanks for keeping us updated! You do keep us believing in miracles, Peter!!

  5. Amazing, but what else can we expect from an amazing little boy. Keep up the good fight Peter. You are a winner.

    As always thought and prayers sent your way.

    The Musielewicz’s

  6. Peter……you are such an inspiration to us and ALL the other Eigners.
    We are in your corner Always………
    Uncle Ed and Aunt roz

  7. Peter, Ty and Erika,
    INCREDIBLE…………………that is the BEST news I’ve heard all day!!!
    So happy to hear that you are home and recovering. You certainly are one tough little guy. Rest up now and get strong for the next round!!
    Hopefully we’ll see your smiling face at the rink soon wearing your “Brainerd Blue”!!!!!

    Our thoughts and support continue every day Peter………….

    Take care!
    Lisa & Drew

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