So Far, So Good!

I came into this weekend with fingers crossed because Peter’s counts would be “bottoming out” and if he would be getting mouth sores and/or a fever, it would likely happen now. As a person who still has a fair amount of work to do before Christmas, I am OK with avoiding a 4-5 day trip to the hospital!! I’m happy to report that so far, no sores and no fever. We went to church last night to avoid the crowd and so he would be able to sleep as late as necessary today. (He wore his mask as usual and does not complain despite lots of little staring eyes!) Other than that he’s been in the house but in good spirits, playing (and fighting) with his sisters.
We will find out his counts tomorrow as Home Care will come out in the morning. He is scheduled for blood and platelet transfusions on Tuesday so we will go down and back. Those counts (hemoglobin and platelets) were pretty low on Thursday but they felt he would be fine to wait until Tuesday based on his past counts. So we are happy that we should be able to remain home now through Christmas. As Matt posted, we’ll be down the 27th and 28th for his “Re-Staging”, or testing, to see where things are at, and we believe the surgery is the next week. One minor correction on the schedule is the 6th Round is a “normal” round of chemo, and the “Knock-Out Round” is actually a 7th round. It’s done right before the transplant and is actually done on the Bone Marrow Transplant floor (how’s a guy supposed to keep all this straight?!) I don’t know the details of it yet other than it’s very high dose and wipes out his system entirely (it consists of different chemo drugs than what he’s getting now).
Happy Holidays!

16 Replies to “So Far, So Good!”

  1. Glad to hear that things are going so well so far and hope it stays that way for you all.
    Peter is such a stong little boy and you and Ty are by far the most brave and wonderful parents. It is very hard on all of you and yet you two still try to keep things normal in your everyday lives.
    We think of you always and of course continue our praying for Peter.
    May you all have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy Healthy New Year.
    Lots of Love,
    Uncle Chuck and Aunt Rose

  2. Hi Eigner’s,
    So happy to hear that you guys should be able to stay home through the Christmas holidays. I wish you all a very merry Christmas and a HEALTHY New Year!! Keep fighting Peter!!!!!

  3. We sure hope things continue to go well so you can spend Christmas at home. Love and Good Cheer from Milwaukee. Sorry about the Viking loss today (not) Go Pack! OK … I take it back if and “Go Vikings” if it will help Peter eat and drink so he can stay strong for the constant battle with the “path thing”.

  4. Hi Eigner family,
    I have been so darned busy that I haven’t read about you for a couple days – only heard from Jen that Kate and Ellie were there for a day. I am so very happy to hear that you are feeling well – and no mouth sores!! Hurray 🙂 What a wonderful treat for you all to be able to be home through the Christmas Holiday now! We will be thinking of you all and keeping you in our prayers.

    I ‘bumped’ into Santa today – I’ll have to remind him to call Jenni to confirm he’ll be able to visit the daycare party to see all the kids. Maybe – just maybe! – you’d be able to go too, Peter!!

    What a strong family you all have been! Just think, soon it should be history – just a memory. We both wish you a Blessed Christmas and a Happy, Healthy, Peaceful New Year. Enjoy your family time together.

    Thinking of you all,
    Ron and Peg

  5. Pete-man,
    We’re glad to hear you are doing well and that you had a good weekend. We’re also very proud of you and amazed by how tough you are. We’ve been talking to Santa lately because we’ve been looking for his expert opinion on how Grace & Lily have behaved this year. In general it seems as if they have been pretty good, but he said it has been a very tough year for all children. When we asked why, he said it was because there is a little boy up in Brainerd, that has raised the bar for children around the world. He said this boy has had a very tough year, but through it all has behaved like an angel. We told Santa that we couldn’t agree more, because we’ve met this boy from Brainerd and are constantly in awe of him.

    Take Care Pete-man, We Love You.

  6. Merry Christmas to your family, Enjoy every moment, and may the New Year bring much joy and health.

  7. Peter, Ty & Erika,

    You guys amaze me. Here’s to your beautiful, courageous and wonderful family. We hope you have a great holiday. We know you will be celebrating the true meaning of Christmas this year. May the new year hold much hope, happiness, and above all, GOOD HEALTH!

    Thinking of you,
    Amy, Rich, Jacob, Callie & Kira

    P.S. Peter, I have to let you in on a little secret…we have Santa’s phone number!!! Would you like to call him? Have your Mom or Dad dial for you, okay? Here’s the number: 1-800-972-6242. Lots of kids are calling, so be patient, and keep trying if the line is busy. You can call every day between now and Christmas. Have fun!

  8. Peter~
    Why does it not surprise me that you are doing so well? You are truly amazing, my friend. Besides that fact that you are the strong courageous boy that you are, I think it’s the spirit of Christmas, the magic, the faith and the beauty of the season at work here, too! Enjoy this week at home with your family, snuggle close and listen closely for Santa’s bells, I am sure you will feel the magic in your heart….

    Want to hear our “funny story” the weekend?? EmilyClare was experiencing some bouts of dizziness this weekend. She kept asking me why the house was spinning! She even got so dizzy sometimes that she fell down! (Ok, so that’s kind of funny, too…. but that’s not the funniest part!) We eventually took her to the doctor. When we told Lily where we were going, she freaked out… and with this absolutely serious look of panic and fear in her eyes, she started crying and said, “Are they going to cut Emily’s head off???” Silly Lily! Oh, and just for the record, Em just has fluid in her ears and infected tonsils and glands…. aparently the build-up of fluid was making her dizzy! Go figure…

    Anyway ~ lots of love to you and your family! We are so happy that you are continuing to beat the path thing. We look forward to seeing Ellie-Bellie and Katesie-Poo at the daycare Christmas Party on Friday…. and, Pete, too – if you can!
    Jen, Ryan, Emily, Lily and Parker

  9. We continue to read the updates and are praying each and everyday for good news to come your way. Keep fighting Pete!

  10. I am so glad to hear that you are doing so well and not feeling too bad this time around (it’s no fun to be sick before Christmas). You continute to be in our thoughts and in our prayers. I hope you get to make and eat lots of Christmas cookies, I know my girls are looking forward to that. I just have to make sure they don’t eat them all so we can leave some out for Santa. The Vikes aren’t doing so well, so maybe you can cheer for the Warrior girls hockey team, I bet your cheers would help them win some games this week!

    Jenny Ernster

  11. Merry Christmas to everyone. Our thoughts and prayers will be with you all this season to celebrate Peter’s success. The little guy has been a true fighter, and we have no doubt that Peter will continue to squash this disease!

  12. Hey Eigners,
    It sounds like Peter is battiling strongly and doing great. Way to go with Pete! I just read the story David and Goliath to Sam last night, and it reminded me a bit of you Pete. You are David, and like David you are going to win your battle.

    We can’t wait to see you all again. Henry loved his care package Pete, thanks for thinking of us. Henry is going to be a shepard in the church play this week. Should be interesting! Of course, he had to pick something that had to do with animals. Emma scored her first goal this week too. Sam decided skiing is his favorite things and wants to be a skiier when he grows up! Crazy Zach can’t get enough of the movie Nacho Libre and watches it over and over!

    We will be thinking of you on your surgery as always. Would love to drop in to say hello through glass or something? We would love to do anything we can do to help out, so please let us know. Our prayers are always with you.

    Erika, I am sure you are so busy with Christmas. Take time to enjoy! Their eyes will all be atwinkle with hope and love.

    Miss you,
    Jake Becky Henry Emma Sam and Zach

  13. Hi Eigners,

    Greg told me about seeing you guys down at the DECC- what a surprise- wish the kids and I could have seen you as well. I am glad to hear that Peter is doing well so far. He’s a strong little man so it doesn’t surprise me that things are going well- I’m also not surprise that he is such a trooper –Kids sure do amaze us don’t they!
    We send all of our love during this Christmas time- we hope you have a restful and blessed Christmas. We continue to pray everynight for your recovery and we also thank God that he has helped things go as well as they have so far.
    Take care and Happy Holidays!
    Brenda, Greg, Brooke & Ty

  14. Eigner Family;
    The “2007” year approachs quickly and with this our thoughts are that this year will be BETTER……as Peter continues with his operation, treatments and recovery we have faith that it will all work out to heal him. We think of all of you often and a specail prayer and thought for you this holiday season. The love and support you have within the coummunity and your family is truly a blessing and comfort.
    Merry Christimas and a Blessed New Year…
    Bob and Karen

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