If you’ve been browsing the comments, you’ve certainly read about the great events that took place over the past week.
I understand that the Skate With The Irish event last Wednesday was terrific. I heard that people in and around the Rosemount community packed the house and showed their support for Peter and his family. And then on Sunday, 155 miles away from Rosemount, the Brainerd community arrived at Timbermist en masse to help out the Eigners. It was also a hugely successful event by all accounts.
On behalf of Ty and Erika, thanks to those who planned both events. And thanks to all who attended the events. And thanks to those that bought wristbands or bid on an auction item or cut their hair or watched Peter’s video.
I know that this expression of thanks falls short of the Eigner’s actual gratitude. I wish this could give everyone the individual credit and thanks that they deserve. But please accept it anyway. You all have done good.