Extended Stay

Erika came to the hospital this morning feeling 100% better and resumed her bedside post. However, Peter is going to need a couple more days under the care of the doctors.

I mentioned that he didn’t eat much yesterday. One of the typical causes is sores in his mouth that make eating unpleasant. He had a sore or two before coming down, but yesterday he said that he didn’t have any sores in his mouth. He didn’t complain about anything the entire time I was there, but food wasn’t appealing. He slept well last night and woke with breakfast at the foot of his bed, but was reluctant to eat or drink any of it. Yet he still assured us that he didn’t have any sores.

Doctor Weigel believes the sores have moved to his throat or down his esophagus. Apparently they can go all the way to the stomach. Until he’s eating and drinking more, it’s best he’s hooked to the IV and hydrated. They’re still keeping any eye on his counts (the reason he was admitted in the first place) to make sure they’re on the rebound.

I suppose this is one of the schedule variations within the master plan for remission and variations can be accommodated.

9 Replies to “Extended Stay”

  1. Erika, I am so glad you are feeling better!! I admire the strength you obviously have. I wish that some of the struggles you are dealing with could be relieved in some way with all the thoughts and prayers we all out here are sending out! I can only imagine how emotionally draining this all must be. You are all so much in our hearts!

    Peter, we are saying tons of prayers that you will feel like eating again soon!! Darn all those side effects of the medicine!! You’ll be home again soon, we just know it! Rest well little guy.

    Think of you 🙂
    The Allords

    (Thanks again for the update!)

  2. Peter … I love the Vikings I love the Vikings I love the Vikings I love the Vikings I love the Vikings I love the Vikings I love the Vikings I love the Vikings I love the Vikings I love the Vikings I love the Vikings I love the Vikings … you need to start eating and drinking again.

  3. Peter, This is Gramma Mary using your Mom’s computer. I am in your city and you are in mine. I came up to Brainerd this afternoon so that I can take Kate in to see the doctor tomorrow. She is still not feeling real good since her ear infection. I felt pretty big driving your Mom’s Suburban. I only had to stop twice to retrieve nooks and blankies for the girls. We listened to Vegie Tales most of the way to Brainerd so now I know all the verses to The Wheels On The Bus. Kate slept part of the time and Ellie fell asleep when we got to Baxter.

    I hope you start to feel well enough to eat all your good food soon. I hope I get to see you when your Mom and I trade cars. I promise to take good care of your little sisters while I’m up here. At least if I play hockey with Ellie I might be able to win.

    Kate said she would wait for you to come home so she can have birthday cake and celebrate being a one year old.

    Love ya lots Gramma Mary

  4. Erika – so glad to hear you’re feeling better, I hope Kate recovers from her illness as well. Your strength amazes us all.

    Kate – happy birthday!!!!

    Ellie – good luck against your Gramma Mary in hockey!

    Ty – good luck with your hockey try-outs, it’s good to see you out on the ice with your “other” family! 🙂

    Matt – Thanks for the great updates!

    Peter – hang in there little guy and try to eat….your body needs that food for energy. We’re so glad there will be an event for you in Brainerd, as we have not been able to make the previous ones…we won’t miss this one for the world, and hope we will see you there. Keep fighting!

    The Swansons – Cary, Lori, Luke, Brooke and Erica

  5. Hi Peter,

    Hey guy. We hear that you’re not up to eating right now. That’s too bad but we’re glad that the doctors have other ways of getting that awesome body of yours the fluids you need. We’re praying that those sores go away soon so that you can get back to eating. You sure are one strong dude. We are so proud of you. Keep that chin up and stay strong. We are thinking of you.

    The Bastians

  6. Ty & Erika-
    I am being hit with the “man you two amaze me meltdown” again…. what I mean is, WOW…. after reading (and re-reading!!) the last couple posts…. I was reminded of how incredibly much you are all dealing with and I was reminded of how lucky you are to have such a huge amount of love and support from your family! Not only is your life now consumed with your son’s cancer battle and all the energy that requires as parents, but you also are struck with other glitches like the stomach flu, ear infections, and extended stays in the hospital! How fortunate you all are to have such a tight knit family. Uncle Matt & Auntie G.’s ability to stay with Pete during Erika’s flu bug is touching…. Gramma Mary’s ability to drive to Brainerd in order to take Baby Kate in for a follow up doctor appointment is so wonderful, Gramma Barb and Grandpa Poopster’s ablilty to open their arms and hearts to Ellie and Kate every time they are needed is so great. Ty and Erika, you are certainly blessed with the greatest family on Earth. Your unnwithering strength and courage is more than admirable. As I sit here back at home stressed because Lily won’t sleep in her own bed at night…. Parker is now waking a few times a night (teethihg??)…. there are dishes from last nights dinner still in the sink and 4 loads of laundry that really should be folded before they permanently wrinkle… and bills to be paid and Christmas wishes to fullfill…. then I stop and think about the Eigner family. Suddenly all my “worries” and “stresses” seem like microscopic bumps. I deeply admire everything about you, Ty & Erika. I promise you – I could never maintain the same amount of energy and courage and strength as you do. Today when I cringe at my messy house and tonight when Lily tries to sneak into our bed for the 4th time in 30 minutes, I will take and deep breath and relax. I need only think of Peter and all that he is fighting for… and then I know that everything will be just fine. Ty and Erika – you guys are phenomenal….. we hope our prayers fill your hearts and help ease the pain and tiredness that you endure on a daily basis.
    Peter- what a bummer about all those icky sores invading your throat and tummy! I imagine it must hurt to eat! Thank goodness for that IV “food” huh!! We are all praying really hard for you today! As Uncle Matt suggested, I suppose this is just a minor detour in your road to recovery. Sometimes those bumps in the road actually work to make you even stronger….. when smooth sailing gets hit by a hard wind, you just need to hold on to the reigns a liitle stronger and fight your way through. Before you know it, you’ll be breezing along again. Your positive attitude and great ability to fight will once again work on your side…. you’ll win, Pete. You’ll win….
    Kate – I hope you start to feel better, baby girl! What a way to celebrate your 1st year, eh? When Petey gets home – you be sure to have a big ol’ birthday party, ok?? Love you, Kate! 🙂
    Ellie – we miss you, too, sweet girl! You play hard with Gramma Mary and maybe even let her win a couple games of air hockey, ok? 🙂
    Matt – again, thanks for the uncondtional love you give your family. We thank you for letting us be a part of his journey.
    With pounds of prayers-
    The Kelley Family
    ~Ryan, Jenni, Emily, Lily & Parker~

  7. Peter and family, I am always thinking of how strong you must all be. I wish there something to help other than prayers. Stay positive and know I am keeping you on the top of my prayer list. You are strong and brave and can beat this. Many good wishes, Cheryl Thanks to your Uncle Matt for all his updates.

  8. Hi Peter and Family,

    I have been checking on you since your diagnosis, praying for you all, knowing pretty well what this all brings to a young family as a fellow “neuroblastoma parent.” It is indeed a hard road.

    We may be seeing you on 5B in the near future–my big boy Erik will be starting treatment again (yes, we got the bad news last week at his one-year post BMT tests, he relapsed again).

    He’ll be speaking at the Tree of Hope ceremony in St Cloud in January.

    Love and prayers for all of you from Park Rapids,
    Donna Ludwinski

  9. Peteman,
    We just wanted to say good night buddy. We hope you are feeling better now that you are at home. We’ll see you soon. Keep kickin’ that Path thing’s butt.

    Uncle Roy, Auntie Macer, Grace, Lily & Murphey

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