Move Over, Ed McMahon

Sorry for another delay in posts. Let me get you caught up. The fourth round of chemo began on Wednesday evening. It hit a little harder than the previous rounds and caused Peter to vomit a few times on Thursday morning. The doctors tweaked the medicine formula a bit and it’s been smooth sailing ever since. This round is scheduled to be complete on Saturday night.

Thursday in the hospital means the airing of the closed-circuit hospital game show that I mentioned in a previous post. Perhaps Peter made an impression with his side-splitting joke or just the frequency of his calls into the show, but whatever the reason, our man was asked to co-host the show yesterday. I haven’t viewed the tape yet, but the report is that Peter’s improvisation was spectacular.

When the camera lit up, Peter dimmed down. The hostess proceeded with her upbeat introductions and Peter fidgeted with a plastic kazoo and averted his eyes. She would ask him to chime in, but he was a little shy.

Then his fidgeting escalated and, Erika, watching the action and knowing her son, sensed the issue. Soon Peter couldn’t hold his thoughts any longer and announced, “I gotta go weewee”, and left the set. The veteran hostess recovered and continued the show, announcing that her co-host would soon be back. He’ll be back any minute, she re-stated. Any time now, Peter.

He did return to the show, but not in person. He was back in his room calling in during the bingo action, per usual.

7 Replies to “Move Over, Ed McMahon”

  1. Sorry to hear you werent feeling too good the other day but glad to hear you are doing so much better now.
    Sounds like those game shows are really a lot of fun. Does everyone in the hospital get to participate in the show? Bet you win most of the them dont you .
    Nick said that he sent you something in the mail to your house, so when you get home it will probably be there waiting for you.
    Hope all goes well for you for the rest of the round and that you will be ready to go home this weekend.
    Take care and be sure to say hi to your mom and dad and Ellie and Kate too. We think of you often and never forget you in our prayers.
    Lots of love and hugs,
    Uncle Chuck and Aunt Rose Weiland

  2. It was fun to see and your mon and dad this past week end. You really looked sharp in your boston college hockey jersey. And — you are right 0-4 is better but 1-4 was ok to win by like you told us on the way home from the game. We are so happy to hear you feeling better today. Sounds like you have been having lots of fun working up to being a game host. Maybe a radio sports radio broadcaster too as you sure could tell us lots about how the hockey game went.
    We think of you each day and and many here are remembering you in thier prayers.
    Carl and carolyn’s gramma Carol

  3. Peter-
    We think of you often. Tate prays for you every night. He sure misses you. From what I have read it sounds like you are a quite strong little man. We are all very proud of you and cant wait for you to be feeling better soon.
    All our love and prayers,
    Dan, Ann and Tate Richter

  4. Hi Peter,

    So good to hear that you are feeling better after a bit of a rough start. We’ll be listening to Carl’s game tonight on the computer – I’m sure you’ll help in cheering the BC Eagles on to a victory. You’re in our thoughts and prayers every day. Hope to see you again real soon.

    Bob, Kristi and Jack Brandt

  5. Hi Pete and Family-
    You are quite the character, young man!! I am so glad the hospital staff has someone like you to keep the mood cheerful. Oh – and that’s OK about the whole “weewee” thing…. a guy’s gotta do what a guy’s gotta do, right??!? 🙂 Lily and Emily slept with me in my bed last night (Ryan is hunting)… apparently Lily had a bit too much “weewee” last night… we girls awoke to a huge “weewee” spot on my bed this morning! YUCKY! So…. I spent the morning trying to disinfect my mattress and am now washing sheets and blankets.
    Hey Peter – I have been meaning to tell you something. I took Parker in for his 4 month shots a week ago. When the nurse gave him his shots, he looked at her and smiled and only cried for a split second! Does that sound like someone you know?? 🙂 Do you think it’s possible that my little Parker could be as brave as you?
    Do you remember how much hair Parker has? He is going to get his first haircut already this morning! Isn’t that silly! His hair is out of control. I might chicken out though and decide that I just can’t let them cut it yet. I suppose we could save the pieces of hair for you? Oh, yah. I forgot, you want blue hair! 🙂
    Aside from some minor tummy troubles, it sounds like round 4 is all yours again. Hmmm….. what does that make the score? Peter and Captain Chemo – 4 ….the nasty path thing – ZIP! Ha-ha, cancer! Peter’s winnnniiiinnnnnggggggggg!!!!!
    We hope you finish up your chemo today with no complications and that you get enough rest tomorrow so that you can shimmy all night long at the benefit concert!
    We miss you and love you to infinity and beyond…….
    Jenni and family

  6. Hi Peter,
    Wow, now you’re even a TV Star. Way to go Pete. You’re always a star to us….with or without the TV. Give your Dad, Mom and Grandma Mary a hug for us.
    Uncle Ed and Aunt roz

  7. hi pete – bc eagles win!!!!! go carl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hope to meet you soon

    jack brandt (carl and carolyn’s cousin)

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