It’s been over a full week since Peter and family checked into the hospital. One thing that’s amazed me is Peter’s awareness, if not complete understanding, of what is going on.
Picture a four-year-old in church. The hour service can seem to last forever as they inevitably get restless and need a change of scenery in the 21st minute. Peter’s been in his little room for over seven days, aside from walking 50 feet to the end of the hall. However, I haven’t heard him complain regarding his confines. I thought maybe he’d be yearning for home or to go outside; This is the kid that pulled us outside every 10 minutes to pitch the baseball to him during the July 4th holiday. Yet even when he’s feeling well, he seems to know that he needs to stay in the hospital and get better. He also treats the hospital staff with a special respect. It strikes me as unusual wisdom and calm for a four-year-old, but it’s probably happening in rooms up and down the hall.
Credit goes to his network (you) for writing to him, giving him things to do, and visiting. I’m sure this helps keeps his mind off of where he’d rather be. I suppose he doesn’t mind where he is physically if his favorite people and things are around. Many people have visited and no matter how Peter was feeling when you arrived, it has definitely been appreciated. I would love to write about everyone’s visit, but couldn’t possibly keep up.
Peter’s been well today. He went to other rooms in the unit and gave away half of his balloons to other children that may not have any. He spent time at the end of the hall eating ice cream with Grandpa Sig. I’m going to head to the hospital now and catch the baseball game. He’ll probably provide me some good material for my next post.